Colour blind: a metaphorical poem Cover

Colour blind: a metaphorical poem

Differentiated text + comprehension Q

This e-unit contains three versions of a text, catering to the varying levels of students in the class. Students will read over 'Colour Blind', a metaphorical poem, before working through a series of questions. The four sets of questions provided will orient students with the reading, address the key skill of deductive reasoning, increase students understanding of words and why they were used in the text and give the students the chance to evaluate the text. Students will speculate the tone of the poem, as well explore the writers intentions. Answers are also provided for each question to assist the teacher with marking.

Years: 7-8 | Pages: 4 | Code: E0562-03

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John Murray

John Murray graduated in 1997 with a BEd (Hons) in English and communication at the University of North Wales. He has worked extensively with primary school children from a wide variety of backgrounds, including children who have difficulties communicating with others and children whose first language is not English.